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How to Protect Against Identity Theft

By April 10, 2024No Comments

These days, the threat of identity fraud and data theft in Hampton Roads looms large.

The Federal Trade Commission data reported more than $10 billion lost to fraud in 2023, a 14% increase compared to 2022. Of the 5.4 million reports filed to the FTC’s consumer network, the top complaint was identity theft, which had more than 1 million reported cases. Fortunately, there are proactive steps you can take to safeguard yourself from potential identity misuse.

Before you can begin being proactive, it’s crucial to grasp how identity theft occurs, its potential financial repercussions, and how to fortify your personal information against prevalent cyber threats.

How Does Identity Theft Happen?

Identity theft unfolds when someone, with fraudulent intentions, gains access to personal information such as your:

  • Social Security number
  • Birthdate
  • Debit PINs and other sensitive data

These individuals might attempt to open new credit accounts, secure loans, or incur charges using your identity.

One prevalent technique used in identity fraud is phishing, wherein you receive deceptive messages aimed at coaxing sensitive data like financial information or account passwords from you. Fraudsters may also exploit avenues such as mail theft, fake websites, and data breaches to access your data.

Identity theft impacts 1 in 20 Americans annually, often catching victims unaware until considerable damage has been done. Therefore, it’s crucial to comprehend your risks and be aware of available identity theft protection measures.

Common Identity Fraud Risks

While some instances of identity theft stem from data breaches beyond our control, several common errors increase susceptibility to fraud, including:

  • Reusing or selecting weak passwords
  • Failing to secure credit cards and personal documents
  • Falling victim to scam emails or phone calls
  • Disregarding credit reports and bank statements

The good news is that adopting better identity protection habits is achievable.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Identity Theft

From credit monitoring to implementing fraud alerts, here are simple yet effective tips for enhancing your identity security:

  • Create Unique Passwords for Each Account: Utilize complex passwords featuring a blend of capital letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid password reuse or sharing.
  • Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Routinely review your credit report for any suspicious activity, leveraging the free annual credit reports offered by major reporting agencies.
  • Monitor Your Credit Card and Bank Statements: Vigilantly scrutinize statements to promptly detect any fraudulent charges or unauthorized transactions.
  • Secure Your Mail: Retrieve mail promptly to thwart interception, and consider opting for paperless billing for heightened security.
  • Shred Sensitive Documents: Safeguard personal data by shredding outdated documents before disposal.
  • Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks: Ensure secure connections, especially for online transactions, by utilizing trusted Wi-Fi networks or mobile data.
  • Verify Website Trustworthiness: Prioritize purchases from reputable websites, steering clear of dubious platforms.
  • Set Up Fraud Alerts: Take advantage of available services that notify you of potentially fraudulent activities, facilitating swift action.

Recognizing Identity Theft Signs

The sooner you detect and report identity fraud, the easier it becomes to mitigate damages. Key indicators of identity theft include:

  • Unauthorized accounts or inquiries on your credit report
  • Unexplained bank account withdrawals
  • Suspicious charges on credit card statements
  • Unexpected collections calls
  • Instances of fraudulently filed tax returns
  • Receipt of unfamiliar identity-related documents

If you notice any of these red flags, promptly notify relevant authorities and your insurance agent. Avoid disclosing personal information without verifying the legitimacy of the recipient.

Extending Your Homeowners Insurance for Added Protection

Consider augmenting your homeowners insurance with identity theft coverage for enhanced peace of mind. With identity theft coverage, you gain support in restoring your identity, property, and reputation swiftly and effectively.

This coverage assists in covering the expenses associated with reclaiming and securing your personal information, compensating for lost income, and reimbursing theft-related expenses.

Take proactive steps today to safeguard yourself against identity fraud. Contact Goodrich & Watson Insurers today or visit our Newport News, VA office to explore your options further.