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Get Fit Challenge 2024

By January 8, 2024No Comments

The Goodrich & Watson team has officially kicked off our Get Fit Challenge for 2024 in Newport News, VA! Over the course of 15 weeks, we’ll be competing against each other to see who can achieve their peak fitness. This challenge is all in effort to promote wellness and exercise. 

You can monitor our progress on our Instagram and Facebook!

Here are some simple changes you can make to foster a healthier lifestyle in 2024:
1. Stop eating out. Cooking at home lets you control your ingredients, and you’ll save money!
2. Quit a bad habit. Maybe it’s drinking, biting your nails, or eating while binging a tv series. Find one unhealthy habit you have and make a commitment to quit!
3. Go outside more. The sun provides Vitamin D to promote energy and increase your happiness!
4. Hydrate consistently. Make a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day. Staying hydrated supports overall well-being, aids digestion, and can even help control hunger. 
5. Incorporate regular stretching. Add stretching exercises to your routine to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Simple stretches, especially before and after workouts, can enhance your overall mobility and contribute to better long-term fitness.
6. Set realistic goals. Establish achievable fitness goals that align with your current fitness level. Whether it’s increasing the number of steps per day or improving your workout intensity, setting realistic goals will keep you motivated and on track throughout the challenge.
7. Practice mindful eating. Avoid distractions like phones or TV while eating, and savor each bite. Mindful eating can help you appreciate your food more, prevent overeating, and make healthier food choices.
8. Try new physical activities. Keep your fitness routine interesting by exploring different activities and hobbies! You could sign up for that ice skating class you’ve always wanted to take. Or, you could take up gardening. Exercise does not need to be limited to inside a gym.
9. Prioritize sleep. Quality sleep is crucial for recovery and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support your body’s ability to repair and rejuvenate. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine for better sleep hygiene.
10. Find your community. Working out with others can provide motivation and accountability. Consider joining a fitness class or forming a workout group within your friends, neighbors, or even coworkers. It’s a great way to share experiences, exchange fitness tips, and make the journey more enjoyable!
Remember, the key to success is making small, sustainable changes over time, and you should not measure your success by a number on a scale. 
As the Goodrich & Watson team dives into this fitness adventure, we look forward to the positive transformations, the shared successes, and the bonds that will strengthen along the way. Here’s to a healthier, happier, and more active 2024!