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Healthy Home Habits in Newport News, VA

By January 3, 2024February 22nd, 2024No Comments

Healthy home habits

Benjamin Franklin once said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to home safety in Newport News, VA, it’s an axiom that holds true today. That’s why we created this quick list of actionable tips that can help increase the safety of your home today, and reduce the chance of a future home insurance claim tomorrow.

When you are ready to take action, Goodrich & Watson Insurers can help. 

Fire safety

Smoke detectors: Ideally, your home should have one smoke detector per 1,200 square feet.

Kitchen heat sensors: If your kitchen has multiple appliances in close proximity that are run by electric or natural gas, installing heat sensors can alert you if there is  an issue with  the equipment. Never leave cooking food unattended on the stove or in the oven.

Dryer vents: Be sure to check and clean your dryer vents regularly to avoid lint buildup that could lead to a house fire.

Garage area safety: If you have a living area over your garage, install heat sensors in the garage. Consider adding a smoke detector to the living area. The possibility and severity of a fire is generally higher in a garage, due to the  presence of heavy electrical equipment and flammables.

Fireplaces: While in use, use a fire screen to contain flying embers. After use, dispose of ashes properly using a metal container (not a garbage can) that can be tightly closed. Do use water. Place the closed container outside away from combustible materials. Leave the container for several days before final disposal. 

Chimney: Have your chimney professionally inspected and cleaned each year to prevent buildup that could lead to a house fire.

Talk to us today to make sure your home is insured for its replacement cost. Learn more about replacement cost here.

Staying secure

Gated houses and knox-boxes: For gated homes in Hampton Roads, it is best to install a knox-box, which is a small, wall-mounted safe that holds keys for fire departments, police, and medical services to retrieve in emergency situations. If you have a knox-box, provide the entry code to local emergency services.

Home safety: Prevention is the best protection. Here are some top safety tips for protecting your home from burglary in Newport News, VA:
• Always lock doors and windows
• Use a burglar alarm that is professionally monitored and has cellular backup
• Replace any worn key pads
• Keep your home well-lit and curtains/blinds closed
• Use a secure safe or safety deposit box for valuable items
• Shred all paperwork with personal identifiable information
• Be mindful of disposal of packaging for larger electronics
• Don’t store keys outside the home
• When traveling, leave a locked car in the driveway and don’t allow mail to pile up

This article provides additional burglary prevention tips.

Warding off water

Washer lines: If you have rubber water lines, these should be replaced with steel braided water lines that contain nylon inserts. Rubber water lines tend to dry out and split quicker than braided lines, which are designed to last much longer. Braided lines are available at home improvement stores.

Water security systems: Water shut-off and leak sensor systems are a great way to reduce the risk of water damage, especially if you travel often. They are designed to stop the flow of water in the home if an abnormal flow is detected.

Main water valve: Knowing how and where to shut off your home’s main water supply is an important safety step. Use a valve identifier to mark your valve in order to more easily identify it in the event of a water emergency.

Sump pump: It is recommended that a battery backup be installed on sump pumps so that during a power outage, they will remain operational. You may also be able to connect your sump pump to a standby generator. Without power, your basement could be damaged by water intrusion.

Consider adding water backup and sump pump coverage to your homeowners insurance. 

Protection against larger claims

Railings: Make sure railings are installed on staircases with more than four steps, or a drop off exceeding 20 inches from the ground. Such conditions increase the likelihood of falls resulting in possible injury.

Gutters: Gutters should be directed so water is not discharged across your driveway or sidewalk. Otherwise, when temperatures go below freezing, ice can form in these areas which can result in slips and falls.

Trampoline and pools: Trampolines and pools should be situated within a fenced yard with a locking gate. This reduces the risk of use by uninvited guests. All trampolines should also be equipped with a safety net.

Goodrich & Watson can help. When a major incident occurs, and you find yourself faced with a liability lawsuit due to an injury on your property, you’ll be glad you have umbrella coverage. Learn more about why you should get umbrella insurance here.

Routine maintenance

Trees and shrubs: Make sure your trees stay trimmed. Have any limbs removed that are hanging over your home to reduce damage that could occur in the event of heavy winds or a storm. 

Home renovations: If you are planning to do a renovation in Virginia, no matter how small or large, be sure to contact us ahead of time to ensure you are properly covered and that there are no coverage limitations.

Home inventory: According to a 2016 Insurance Information Institute survey, only 50% of homeowners said they had completed a personal home inventory. A personal home inventory is a great way to keep updated records of your personal possessions as they change over time.


Contact us today to discuss your home insurance needs!